Page:Aurora Leigh a Poem.djvu/72

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As if you brought a candle out of doors,—
Broke in with, ‘Romney, here!—My child, entreat
Your cousin to the house, and have your talk,
If girls must talk upon their birthdays. Come.’

He answered for me calmly, with pale lips
That seemed to motion for a smile in vain.
‘The talk is ended, madam, where we stand.
Your brother’s daughter has dismissed me here;
And all my answer can be better said
Beneath the trees, than wrong by such a word
Your house’s hospitalities. Farewell.’

With that he vanished. I could hear his heel
Ring bluntly in the lane, as down he leapt
The short way, from us.—Then, a measured speech
Withdrew me. ‘What means this, Aurora Leigh?
My brother’s daughter has dismissed my guests?’

The lion in me felt the keeper’s voice,
Through all its quivering dewlaps: I was quelled
Before her,—meekened to the child she knew:
I prayed her pardon, said, ‘I had little thought
To give dismissal to a guest of hers,
In letting go a friend of mine, who came
To take me into service as a wife,—
No more than that, indeed.’
‘No more, no more?
Pray heaven,’ she answered, ‘that I was not mad.

I could not mean to tell her to her face