Page:Australia and the Empire.djvu/281

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"(7) The active promotion of all legislative measures calculated—(a) to check the wasteful expenditure of the public money, to prevent the levying of oppressive taxation, and to guard against the abuse of political patronage; (b) to repress injurious monopolies, to allay sectional jealousies, and to prevent the creation of privileged classes; (c) to stimulate settlement upon the land and develop its mineral and other resources; (d) to carry on reproductive public works, to conserve the rainfall, improve natural water-courses, and tap the subterranean waters of the country; (e) to remedy all the abuses in the law, repeal all barbarous and obsolete Acts, and reduce the cost of law proceedings.

"(8) The return of members to the Legislative Assembly pledged to carry out the foregoing principles and objects."

With considerable shrewdness the writer observes that "on examining this programme carefully you will see there is a good deal of Home Rule about it, and that being so. Irishmen have adopted it with alacrity and unanimity." Here he places his linger on a very real danger indeed. In a short but suggestive letter to the Times (dated Nov. 19), Mr. Gowen Evans, who is so well and widely known in Aus-