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PUBLISHED BY DAVID DOUGLAS. 1 1 Memorial Catalogue of the French and Dutch Loan C.illL'.-tioii, Ediubvirgli International Exliibition. Letterpress by W. E. HeiSley. Etchings and Sketches by William Hole, A.R.S.A., and Philip Zilcken. The book is printed by Constable on wove handmade paper, in dark-green ink. It gives an account of the rise of Romanticism, a biography of the principal Masters of that School, and a description of each of the Pictures. It is illustrated by fifteen original Etchings and fifty-four outline Sketches. Pott folio. Edition limited to 520 Copies. £3, 3s. The Breakfast Table Series. In t) vols. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. New and Revised Editions, contain- ing Preraces and additional Bibliographical Notes by the Author. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. 2 vols., 2s. The Poet at the Breakfast Table. 2vo1s.,2s. The Professor at the Breakfast Table. 2 vols., 2s. Also bound in dark blue cloth, at 2s. a vol., or in a neat cloth box, 15s. "Small enough to be carried in any sensibly constructed pocket, clear enough iu type to accommodate any fastidious eyesight, pleasant and instructive enough for its perusal to be undertaken with the certainty of present enjoyment and the prospect of future i)rofit." — Whitehall Review. Also a Library Edition, in 3 vols, crown Svo, printed at the Riverside Press, Cambridge, with a Steel Portrait of tlie Author, 10s. 6d. each volume. A Complete Edition of the Poems of OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES, revised by the Author, in 3 vols. [In the Press. Traces in Scotland of Ancient "Water Lines, Marine, Lacustrine, and Fluviatile. By David Milne-Home, LL.D., F.R.S.E. Demy Svo, .'is. 6d. A Sketch of the Life of George Hope of Fenton Barns. Compiled Viy his Daughter. Crown Svo, Gs. One Summer. By Blanche Willis Howard. Paper, Is. ; clotli, Is. Od. aud2s. W. D. Howells's "Writings :— In " American Author" Series. Indian Summer. 2 vols., 2s. The Rise of Silas Lapham. 2 vols., 23. A Foregone Conclusion. 1 vol.. Is. A Chance Acquaintance. 1 vol.. Is. Their Wedding Journey. 1 vol., Is. A Counterfeit Presentment, and The Parlour Car. 1 vol., Is. The Lady of the Aroostook. 2 vols., 2s. Out of the Question, and At the Sion of the Savage. 1 vol. Is. The Undiscovered Country. 2 vols., 2s. A Fearful Responsibility, and Tonelli's Marriage. 1 vol. ,1s. Venetian Life. 2 vols., 2s. Italian Journeys. 2 vols., 2s. All the above may be had in cloth at 2s. each vol. Copyright Library Edition. A Modern Instance. 2 vols., 12s. A Woman's Reason. 2 vols., 12s. Dr. Breen's Practice. 1vo1.,3s. 6d. Indian Summer. 1 vol., Os. April Hopes. 1 vol., 6s. The Minister's Charge ; or, The Apprentice.ship of Lemuel Barker. 1 vol. , 6s. Annie Kilburn. 1 vol., 6s. Tuscan Cities: with Illustrations from Drawings and Etchings of Joseph Pennell and others. 4to, 16s. Modern Italian Poets. 1 vol. 7s. 6d. Ho"W to Catch Trout. By Three Anglers. Third Edition. Fcap. Svo, Illustrated. Price Is. " The advice given by the 'Three Anglers,' whose combined wisdom is bound within the covers of this book, is always sound." — Field. " The work is sound in the essential doctrines of the craft."— .Scotsman.