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20 LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY DAVID DOUGLAS. Mr. Washington Adams in England. By Richard Grant White. Is. ; or in cloth, 2s. " An impudent book." — Vanity Fair. "This sliort, tiresome hook."— Saturday Review. "Brimful of genuine humour." — Montrose Standard. "Mr. White is a capital caricaturist, but in portraying the ludicrous eccentri- cities of the patrician Britisher he hardly succeeds so well as in delineating the peculiar charms of the representative Yankee." — HHiitchall Review. Rosetty Ends, or the Chronicles of a Country Cobbler. By Job Bradawl (A. Dewar Willock), Author of " She Noddit to me." Fcap. Svo, Illustrated. 2s. and Is. "The sketches are amusing productions, narrating comical incidents, con- nected by a thread of common character running through them all — a thread waxed into occasional strength by the 'roset' of a liomely, entertaining wit."— Scotsman. The Botany of Three Historical Records : Pharanli's Uieam, the Sower, and the King's Measure. By A. Stephen Wilson. Crowu Svo, with 5 Plates, 3s. 6d. " A Bushel of Corn." By A. Stephen Wilson. An investigation by Experiments into all the more important questions which range themselves round a Bushel of Wheat, a Bushel of Barley, and a Bushel of Oats. Crown Svo, with Illustrations, ds. " It is full of originality and force." — Nature. " A monument of painstaking research." —Liverpool Mercury. "Mr. Wilson's book is interesting not only for agriculturists and millers, but for all who desire information on the subject of corn, in which every one is so intimately concerned." — Morning Post. Songs and Poems. By A. Stephen Wilson. Crown Svo, 6s. Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh. By Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F.R.S.E., Professor of History and English Literature in Univer-.ity College, Toronto, Author of " Prehistoric Annals of Scotland," etc. etc. 2 vols, post Svo, los. The India Civil Service as a Career for Scotsmen. By J. Wilson, M.A. Is. Christianity and Reason : Their necessary connection. By E. S. Wyld, LL.D. Extra fcap. Svo, 3s. 6d. Shakespeare's England. By William Winter. Is., paper, or 2s., cloth extra. Contents. — The Voyage — The Beauty of England— Great Historic Places — Rambles in London — A Visit to Windsor — The Palace of Westminster — Warwick and Kenilworth — First View of Stratford-on-Avon — London Nooks and Corners — Relics of Lord Byron — Westminster Abbey — The Home of Shakespeare — Up to London — Old Churches of London — Literary Shrines of London— A Haunt of Edmund Keau— Stoke-Pogis and Thomas Gray — At the Grave of Coleridge — On Barnet Battlefield— A Glimpse of Canterbury — The Shrines of Warwickshire— A Borrower of the Night. "Wanderers : being a Collection of the Poems of William WiNTEK. Is., or in cloth, 2s. The East Neuk of Fife : its History and Antiquities. Second Edition, Re-arranged and Enlarged. By the Rev. Walter Wood, M.A., Elie. Edited, with Pret'aee and Index, by the Rev. J. Wood Brown, M.A. , Gordon. Crown Svo. 6s. EDINBURGH : DAVID DOUGLAS, CASTLE STREET.