Page:Australian enquiry book of household and general information.djvu/94

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unlike in flavour to the very expensive French vinegars so much thought of, though I believe the above is a Chinese recipe.

Chutney. No. 1.

Ingredients: Ten or twelve green apples, 1lb. pudding raisins, candied lemon peel, three or four bird’s eye chilies, two tablespoonsful brown sugar, two teaspoonsful of mixed spice, cayenne pepper, one teaspoonful of salt, one cup of vinegar.

Mode: Peel and core the apples; the small, green, sour ones are best, as they give a peculiar sharp flavour. Stone and cut up the raisins and the candied peel, add the other ingredients, mix with the vinegar, and boil slowly for several hours till all the ingredients are mashed together. When cold, bottle, cork down, and seal the corks.

Another Chutney.

Ingredients: Two dozen apples, six large or twelve smaller tomatoes, half a pound of dark sugar, quarter of a pound salt, two ounces of eschalots, three ounces ground ginger, two ounces garlic, two ounces chilies (dried), four ounces mustard seed, half a pound pudding raisins (stoned and chopped), half a bottle vinegar.

Mode: Peel and core the apples (the green, sour ones are the best), peel the tomatoes, and boil these together, add to these the other ingredients, and pour in the vinegar. Let these boil slowly for about an hour or more, and, when cold, put into jars.

An Excellent Tomato Sauce.

Ingredients: Twelve large tomatoes (ripe), two teaspoonsful ground ginger, one dessertspoonful salt, three dessertspoonfuls vinegar, one dessertspoonful chili vinegar, one dessertspoonful garlic (chopped), two dessertspoonsful sugar.

Mode: Put the tomatoes into a stone jar with a close lid, and stand it in a cool oven for five or six hours, or until soft enough to pulp through a sieve; mix the pulp with the juice in the jar; add the ginger, salt, garlic, vinegar, and sugar. Mix well, and boil for about half an hour, stirring continually; then strain and bottle. When cold, cork, and seal the corks.

Tomato Sauce (Another).

Ingredients: Twenty-four pounds tomatoes, two pounds apples, two pounds onions, two ounces garlic, one pound salt, half an ounce chilies, two ounces peppercorns, two ounces allspice, half an ounce mace, half an ounce cloves, half an ounce curry powder, two pounds sugar, two quarts vinegar.

Mode: Boil all the ingredients together for three hours, strain through the colander or a hair sieve, and bottle.

Mushroom Ketchup.

Ingredients: Mushrooms, salt, pepper, allspice, cloves, peppercorns.

Mode: Clean and thoroughly wash the mushrooms, stalks and all, and cut each into two or three pieces. Put into a stone jar, layer upon layer, and sprinkle salt between each, and let stand twenty-four hours. Then turn them out of the jar, and press all the juice out. Return the mushrooms to the jar, let them again stand twenty-four hours, and press again. Repeat this till every drop is extracted, and mix all the juice together, adding to it pepper, allspice, and a few cloves. Simmer over a slow fire, removing the scum as it rises. Then set away to cool and bottle, adding a few peppercorns to each bottle. Seal the corks to make them air-tight.

This ketchup will keep for years.