Page:Australian views of England.djvu/66

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of the year two young Australians of some promise, Mr. Innes, son of Captain Long Innes, and Mr, Alexander Oliver. I have also heard that a barrister of Lincoln's Inn, of considerable eminence as a writer on equity law, has some thoughts of emigrating to Sydney.

The friends of Dr. Lang will be delighted to hear that he has completely succeeded in his appeal to the Privy Council Yesterday Lord Kingsdown gave judgment, reversing the decision of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, and giving costs in both Courts against Mr. Purves and his friends.

Sir Daniel Cooper has addressed a long letter to the Duke of Newcastle, calling the attention of the English Government to the superior qualities of Australian coal. The letter is one of considerable ability.

A letter has appeared in the Times from Mr, David Buchanan, defending colonial democracy. The only point in Mr. Buchanan's letter is unfortunately a misstatement of facts, namely, that the public officers who retired on political grounds under the Constitution Act voted for their own pensions, and it has been answered (as it was sure