Page:Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson.djvu/22

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bearing down upon the Enemy in two lines, the British Fleet set all possible sail. The lee line, consisting of thirteen ships, was led by Admiral Collingwood in the Royal Sovereign; and the weather line, composed of fourteen ships, by the Commander in Chief in the Victory. His Lordship had ascended the poop, to have a better view of both lines of the British Fleet; and while there, gave particular directions for taking down from his cabin the different fixtures, and for being very careful in removing the portrait of Lady Hamilton: "Take care of my Guardian Angel," said he, addressing himself to the persons to be employed in this business. Immediately after this he quitted the poop, and retired to his cabin for a few minutes: where he committed to paper the following short but devout and fervent ejaculation, which must be universally admired as truly characteristic of the Christian hero; and the codicil to his will, which follows it:

"May the great God whom I worship