Page:Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Nelson.djvu/49

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the first favourable moment to visit His Lordship." On hearing him deliver this message to the Surgeon, His Lordship inquired who had brought it. Mr. BURKE answered, "It is Mr. BULKLEY, my Lord."--"It is his voice," replied His Lordship: he then said to the young gentleman, "Remember me to your father."

An hour and ten minutes however elapsed, from the time of His Lordship's being wounded, before Captain HARDY's first subsequent interview with him; the particulars of which are nearly as follow. They shook hands affectionately, and Lord NELSON said: "Well, HARDY, how goes the battle? How goes the day with us?"--"Very well, my Lord," replied Captain HARDY: "we have got twelve or fourteen of the Enemy's ships in our possession; but five of their van have tacked, and shew an intention of bearing down upon the Victory. I have therefore called two or three of our fresh ships round us, and have no doubt of giving them a drubbing." "