Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/102

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The First Catch.

and walks along with a quicker but extremely nervous step. He is soon seized with a sort of ague—due to sexual excitement—which causes his whole body to shake, and hardly permits him to speak. If we watched closely whenever the pair passed under a shadow, we would have seen the little one throw his arms rapturously around the neck of his big companion, and kiss him passionately. They finally pass out of sight down one of the dark coyered alleys leading to tenements in the rear.

When after an interval the pair again emerge, the smaller is clinging tighter than ever to his big companion, as if afraid he might escape. They walk a block together, and then the big fellow tries to get rid of the little one, much against the latter's wishes. He tells the little fellow to go on his way, but adds, " Come round again, do yer hear? "

"I don't know whether I shall or not. I am afraid we shall never meet again. How it pains me to part from you!"

"What do yer call yourself, and where do yer hang out? "

"1 call myself Jennie, and I work in a restaurant up on Third Avenue. What's your name, and where could I find you again? "

"You kin find me round on this block any time. Just ask any one fur Red Mike."

"Well, good-by. The Lord bless you. I never expect to see you again, although I love you with all my heart, and would like to live with you and be your slave."

The two start off in opposite directions. The little fel-