Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/137

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Androgyne’s Propensities Not Under Biblical Ban.

marriage state is open to the normal man and he is duty bound to marry when passion becomes too strong. 'This duty however is not binding on urnings,[1] because they cannot get any one to marry them. I endeavored to marry a young man in New York, but failed. Therefore it is In consonance with the moral law for urnings to enjoy the company of those they love without marrying.

"You may reply that such relations are prohibited in the Bible. Relations between man and man, both of whom are normal, are prohibited. But in the past year I have learned that I am seven-eighths a woman, and only one-eighth man.[2] Were it not for certain masculine conformations of the body, I ought to go about in dresses as a woman, and always identify myself with the female sex. Therefore, I being more a woman than a man, these prohibitions in the Bible do not apply to me.

"I think I have satisfied you that I can without sin follow out my desire in the way Nature prompts. But I would convince you that my companion also acquiesces in my desire without sin. I would not wish to allure any one into obliging me unless he could see that he was thereby committing no sin. There is sin only in those things which rob God of His glory, or which bring unhappiness and detriment to some sentient being. In this

  1. At that time I incorrectly described myself as an urning. Urnings are, at least usually, active pederasts, or else addicted to mutual onanism.
  2. This early statement may be too strong. Psychically I am practically all woman, and physically at least one-third, although the organs of generation are completely male.