Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/254

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The Aughty-Aughth for Mine.[1]

(Air: "Wearing of the Green.")

Oh here's to the aughty-aughth company, the finest to my mind,
The bravest boys in blue and red that I did ever find;
Of all the sweethearts I have met, they are of all most kind,
In every glory you can name, they have the rest outshined.


They're the finest warriors in the land, in all the world most fine;
The aughty-aughth for my sweetheart, the aughty-aughth for mine.

They are a model band of men, the only such to find,
Beyond belief fraternal love rules every heart and mind;
They live as brothers in the fort, no brawl, or words malign,
So brave, polite, magnanimous, surprisingly benign.

Oh noble hearts, oh manly souls, oh men who were born for war,
Who're ready at your country's call to shed your blood and gore;
Who're ready to protect the weak, and to relieve the oppressed,
All that's feminine would worship you, fall in your arms to rest.


  1. The expression “aughty-aughth” is here used in order to spare the company notoriety.