Page:Autobiography of an Androgyne 1918 book scan.djvu/94

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Method of Leading Up.

are a good fighter." My aim was to talk rather babyishly so as gradually to betray my nature.

"There's a few as kin lick me but not many."

"I love fighters. If you and I had a fight, who do you think would win? "

"I could lick a dozen like yer together."

"I know you could. I am only a baby."

"Hah hah! A baby!"

"Say, you have a handsome face."

"Me hansome! Stop your kiddin."

"Really you are handsome. I am going to tell you a secret. I am a woman-hater. I am really a girl in a fellow's clothes. I would like to get some fellow to marry me. You look beautiful to me. Would you be willing to?"

"How much does it cost yer to git married? Give me a V [meaning five dollars] and I'll be yourn, or else git out of here."

My statement that I had not that amount with me brought the threat of a pummeling. I was beginning to wish I was far away, but concealed my uneasiness as best I could. After a few minutes more of conversation, several pals happened to come along. He called out, '"' I've got a fairie here!" and clutching my shoulder with one hand, he clinched his other fist, shook it threateningly in my face, and demanded: "Hand out your money! Hand out your money!"

Frightened to death, I handed him all the coin I neds amounting to a little more than a dollar. I protested I had no more, and after they had searched my pockets