Page:Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk (Truslove & Bray).djvu/70

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persons assembled there, as I supposed to condemn her. My fears were such, concerning the fate that awaited her, and my horror at the idea that she waa in some way to be sacrificed, that I would have given anything to be allowed to stay where I was. But I feared the effects of disobeying the Superior, and proceeded with the rest towards the room for the examination of conscience.

The room was in the second story, and the place of many a scene of a shameful nature. It is sufficient to say, that things had there occurred which made me regard the place with the greatest disgust. Saint Frances had appeared melancholy for some time. I knew that she had cause, for she had been repeatedly subject to trials which I need not name — our common lot. When we reached her room, I entered the door, my companions standing behind me, as the place was so small as hardly to hold five persons at a time. The young nun was standing alone, near the middle of the room; she was probably about twenty, with light hair, blue eyes, and a very fair complexion. I spoke to her in a compassionate voice, but with such a decided manner, that she comprehended my full meaning. "Saint Frances, we are sent for you."

Several others spoke kindly to her, but two addressed her very harshly. The poor creature turned round with look of meekness, and without expressing any unwillingness or fear, without even speaking a word, resigned herself to our hands. The tears came into my eyes. I had not a doubt that she considered her fate was sealed, and was already beyond the fear of death. She was conducted to the staircase, and then seized by her limbs and clothes and almost dragged up stairs. I laid my own hands upon her — I took hold of her, too, more gently, indeed, than some of the rest; yet I assisted them in carrying her I could not avoid it. My refusal would not have saved her, nor prevented her being carried up; it would only have exposed me to