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Plasmas, male and female, 11
Plato, 149, 150, 240, 246, 293, 313, 343
Platonic love, 239
Pleasure, 282
Politeness, and women, 203
Politician, character of, 230
Politicians and genius, 139
and value, 134
Pollen, in heterostyllous flowers, 35
Polyandry, 222
Polygamy, 220
Pregnancy, 86, 222
Pre-Raphaelites, 73
PreVost, 256
Preyer, 315
Pride, of women, 201
Property, Jewish relation to, 306
Prostitution, analysis of, Chap. X., 214—235
Protestantism, and women, 207
Psychology, 142
male and female, Chap. IX., 186—213
Puberty, effect of, 90
Pythagoras, 343

Rabbis, Jewish, 311
Race, persistence of human, 224, 346
Raphael, 226
Recognition, 282
Red Sea, crossing of, 323
Regeneration, of lost parts, 16
moral, 283
Religion, founders of, 326, 327
importance of, 323
Jews and, 321
women and, 261
Revenge, 289
Reverence, 322
Richepin, 226
Rousseau, 307
Rudiments, of embryonic sexual organs, 3
Ruskin, 307

St. Augustine, 345
Salome, 345
Samson, 328
Sand, George, 66
Sappho, 65, 66
Schelling, 81, 105, 138, 165, 246
Schiller, 230, 246
Schleiermacher, 140
Schoolmasters, and types, 57
Schopenhauer, 95, 167, 174, 199, 218, 223, 236, 237, 238, 281, 295, 305, 313, 318, 340
Schrenk-Notzing, 45

Schurtz, 205
Schwammerdam, 315
Science, and genius, 140
Judaism, in, 314
Secretion, internal, and sexual characters, 15
Sellheim and Foges, experiments on castration, 18
Servant, type of woman, 272
Sex, appearance of, in embryos, 5
assignment of, to infants, 22, 23, 24
Sexual attraction, laws of, Chap. Ill, 26—44
characters, secondary, 14, 43
impulses, 88
Sexuality, of male and female compared, 85, 92
opposed to love, 239
of women, 260, 331, 332, 334, 335
Shaftesbury, 246
Shakespeare, 105, 109, no, 317
Shelley, 168, 317
Shrew, type of woman, 272
"Siegfried," 223, 305
Sigwart, 156
Simmel, George, 148
Slavery, compared with Jewish problem, 338
Smith, Adam, 175, 317
Socialism, 307
Society, origin of, 205
Socrates, 150, 246, 326
Solidarity, of the Jews, 310
Solitude, and women, 205
Solliers, on sexual anaesthesia, 274
Somerville, Mary, 194
Sophocles, 184
Soul, 313
denied by modern science, 315
and great men, 168
and modern psychology, 209
and women, 187
Spencer, Herbert, 128, 130, 263, 317
Spinoza, 316, 317
Sprengel, 315
State, 307
Steenstrup, 12, 13
Sterility, 216
Stern, L. W. f 82
Stern, 317
"Stockman, Dr.," 325
Strauss, 112
Strindberg, 187
Sudermann, 256
Suggestibility, of women, 294
Suicide, of women, 286
Sulpicia, 319
Superstition, of women, 127