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unless I consented to become the betrothed, she would summon certain able-bodied athletic boarders to batter and kick my unprotected person, and consequently, not being a Leviathan——

The Judge. No one has ever suggested that you are an animal of that description, Sir. Have the goodness to keep to the point. (Reads as he writes?) "I was so intimidated by threats of plaintiffs mother that she would have me severely kicked by third parties if I refused, that I consented to become engaged to plaintiff." Is that what you say?

Jab. (beaming). Your lordship's acute intellect has comprehended my pons asinorum with great intelligence.

The Judge (looking at him under his spectacles). Umph! Well, go on. What next?

[So old Jab goes on gassing away at such a deuce of a rate that the Judge gives up all idea of taking notes, and sits staring at Jab in resigned disgust. (It was spell-bound attentiveness.—H. B. J.) Jab will spout and won't keep to the point; but, all the same, I fancy, somehow, he's getting round the Jury. He's such a jolly innocent kind of old ass, and they like him because he's no end of sport. The plaintiff's a devilish fine girl, and gave her evidence uncommonly well; but, unless