Page:Babylonian Letters of the Hammurapi Period.djvu/19

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. . . . . . . .] 33shall be paid. 34This matter we have [. . . . . .]. 35Whatever [has been delivered] in Esagila before the god Marduk, 36has Gimil-Marduk, the clerk, who had been appointed to Ib[ni-Sin], 37written down, and then he [has ent]ered into the archives. 38According to what our lord has written unto [us], 39the tax collector of Babylon has [collected] the taxes . . .[{{..}}]. 40They have proved (it) . . . .[. . . . . .]. 41In order that our lord might hear it, we are writing (this letter).

42Copy of a letter [. . . . . .] 43which in regard to the tax collector. .[. . . . . .]

44Tebêtu, the [. . .th], 45year in which [King] Ammisaduga 46[set up] a kingly monument made of brass [. . . . . .]

Another letter sent by Ibni-Sin and the judges of Sippar is No. 102 which is unfortunately badly preserved and carelessly written, many signs and even whole lines (26, 27) being erased. This fact shows that this letter, too, is not the original sent a ana bêlini,[1] but a rough draft from which the official letter was copied. This draft was then preserved in the archives of Sippar. The letter runs as follows.

(2. No. 102)[2]

O. a-na be- li- ni
ki- bí- ma
um-ma ib-ni- sin
ù dai͏̯ânûmeš-ma
5. i-nu-ma be-el-ni i-na sipparki wa-áš-bu
wa-ar-ka-tum íp-pa-ar-ra-aš-ma
i-na šá-al-ma-ti be-el-ni at-ta tu-šá-şi-a-an-ni-a-ti

  1. There can be little doubt that here the bêlu is King Ammisaduga.
  2. Cf. the photographic reproduction on pl. C H.