Page:Backblock Ballads and Later Verses (C.J. Dennis, 1918).djvu/48

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The triplets comes much 'arder than the twins;
But I 'ave 'ad to bear 'em fer me sins.
    'Ere, fer a single line, yeh change the style,
Switch orf an' rhyme the same as you begins ;
    An' then yeh comes back at it wiv a smile,
    Pertendin' it's dead easy orl the while.
Them sawed-orf lines 'as often stood me friends ;
Fer you kin cut 'em up to serve yer ends.
    An' frequent I 'ave slung the dotin' throng
                    This sort o' song.
To ring su'prises on the eye an' ear
Is 'arf the game. It seems to kind o' queer
The dull monotony. Yeh make a miss,
                    An' then do this.

Aw, 'Struth! it's pretty; but you take my tip,
It gives a bloke the everlastin' pip
    'Oo tries to live upon the game and gets. . . .
    Corns on 'is brain an' melancholy debts!
Wiv sweat an' tears, wiv misery an' sighs,
    Yeh wring yer soul-case fer one drop of bliss
To give the cold, 'ard world; an' it replies,
    "Prompt payment will erblige. Please settle this."