Page:Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu/109

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Mr. Victor Lunt. I wouldn't say Sir Albert disavowed the methods used. But he considered Mr. Victor was taking too much control. Words passed. And we find Sir Albert shot. That's the proposition, Mr. Fortune."

Reggie smiled. Reggie put the tips of his fingers together and over them looked very blandly at the military face of Radnor Hall. "Your view is that Sir Albert was murdered by his brother Victor," he said.

Lady Lunt started and looked at Radnor Hall.

Radnor Hall gave no sign of surprise. "Pitch up another, doctor," he smiled back. "No, sir. Your guess, not mine. I'm giving out facts."

"Oh, cut it out, Radnor," said Lady Lunt.

"Well, well." Reggie surveyed her benignly. "And so Sir Albert's death leaves Victor in control of the firm?"

"Sir Albert's share comes to me," Lady Lunt said. "Five-eighths. I'm master now."

"A responsibility," Reggie murmured. "If I understand one cause of quarrel between the brothers was that Victor resented your influence, madame, which Sir Albert encouraged you to use?"

"Yes, that's the proposition," said Radnor Hall.

"You know it's not," Lady Lunt cried. "They both hated me to meddle."

"Is that so?" Reggie said dreamily. "And you