Page:Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu/142

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"And yet, just after the new will is made the old man is murdered! Oh, it's all wrong," Reggie said peevishly.

"An odd case. A very odd case, Mr. Fortune." Sir Thomas put on his eye-glasses again. "But I'm afraid I can't help you."

Superintendent Bell opened the door. But Reggie seemed reluctant to go, and on the stairs he loitered so much that the Superintendent turned—"Anything doing, sir?"

"That gastric catarrh," Reggie murmured. "Let's see the valet."

The valet, an oldish man, was found. He testified that Mr. Charlecote had been much upset by the quarrel with Geoffrey. Mr. Charlecote had complained a good deal about his health. But there were no particular symptoms. Dr. Newton had been attending him for a long while. But the valet did not think that he had done Mr. Charlecote any good. For one thing, Mr. Charlecote did not take his medicine. There had been a good deal of medicine. Mr. Charlecote's instructions were always to pour it down the sink.

"And that's that," said Reggie as they went out.

"We don't get anywhere, sir, do we?" the Superintendent sympathized. "Anything you suggest?"

"How does it strike Superintendent Bell?"

"Looks like a bad case, sir. One of those where