Page:Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu/264

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We hinted that there might be developments about a certain murder case. And two of them began to talk. We've got Rand-Mason's past."

"Oh, that!" Reggie said. "Quite obvious, wasn't it? Kimball meant to use this coal scheme to ruin Sandford. He sent Mason, who had probably been his go-between in other financial things, to give the brokers the tip. It was also Rand-Mason who paid the money into Sandford's account. Remember the stout man in glasses. Then probably he struck for better pay or they had a row. Anyway, he threatened to give the show away. Kimball couldn't trust him any more. Daren't trust him. So he wiped Rand-Mason out. Is that right, sir?"

"I'm not omniscient myself. But certainly Rand-Mason was the man who put the brokers on to it. There is not much doubt he went to Sandford's bank. By the way, Kimball had several big sticks. His valet says he liked weight."

"I dare say. Had Kimball any papers?"

"Not a line that throws light on this. As you know everything, I'd like to hear why Kimball tried this murder plan last instead of first?"

"How can you be so unkind, Lomas? I keep telling you I don't know anything. I come and shout it in your ear. I don't know the thing that really matters. Who was Kimball? Who is Sandford? What is he that Kimball couldn't bear him?