Page:Bailey - Call Mr Fortune (Dutton, 1921).djvu/270

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a lot of folklore about brothers killing their sisters' lovers. Yes, common human emotion."

"I think jealousy is simply loathsome," said Miss Amber, with a quiver of her admirable nose. "Well, it's fair to say Horace Kimball seemed to get over the worst of his. He just lost himself in his business, my father says. He wouldn't see his sister again, not even when her child was born (it was a boy). He simply swept her out of his life. Even when Sandford got into trouble, he wouldn't hear of helping her. My father quarrelled with him over that. He said to my father, 'She's made her bed, and they can all die in it'. Oh, I know he's dead, and one oughtn't to say things. But I call that simply devilish."

"Yes, I believe in the devil too," said Reggie. "Devilish! You're exactly right, Miss Amber. Sandford got into trouble, did he? What was that?"

"It was some scandal about his business. A breach of trust in some way. His employers didn't prosecute, but they dismissed him in disgrace. My father doesn't remember the details. It was giving away some business secrets."

Reggie looked at Lomas. "That's very interesting," he said.

"Interesting! Poor people, it was misery for them. Sandford was ruined. My father says he never really tried to make a fresh start. He just