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much of general interest. He aims for one thing to print a list of fraternity officers up to date.

College Annuals

The undergraduates in most colleges publish annually one or more books, frequently elaborately illustrated, usually edited by representatives appointed by the fraternities, and devoted mainly to the exposition of features of college life not included in the curriculum. They may properly be mentioned here, because much information about the fraternities may be obtained from them.


All of the college fraternities are secret in their character, with the exception of ΔΥ, which is non-secret. This secrecy is purely nominal. The fraternities in times past have stolen each other's constitutions and rituals with more or less frequency, and these documents are not so difficult to obtain as might be supposed. The constitutions in former years usually mentioned the meaning of the society's motto and described its grip. These secrets are now usually not contained in the constitution but confined to the ritual. There is a general resemblance between the constitutions and rituals of all the societies. The initiation services are also very much alike, although here the fraternities had scope for originality. Certificates of membership, like diplomas, are given by a few fraternities.