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and finally in 1909 an Inter-Fraternity Conference was organized as hereafter described.

The Inter-Fraternity Conference

In February 1909, at a meeting of the National Religious Education Association held at Chicago, a series of resolutions were presented by George D. Kimball, of ΣΑΕ suggesting that steps should be taken to bring about a Pan-Hellenic union of the different fraternities.

Pursuant to this resolution a call was sent out to all the men's fraternities whose addresses he could ascertain, by Rev. W. H. P. Faunce, ΔΥ, president of Brown University, representing the association referred to. Pursuant to this call, representatives of twenty-six fraternities met at the University Club in New York City, Nov. 17, 1909.

At the meeting there was much informal discussion concerning matters of mutual interest and finally the following resolution was adopted on motion of Dr. O. H. Rogers, ΣΦ.

"Resolved, that it is the sense of this Conference that the college fraternities should sanction and participate in the formation of a permanent Inter-Fraternity Conference to meet each year for the purpose of discussing questions of mutual interest and of presenting to the fraternities represented such recommendations as the said Conference may deem wise, it being understood that the functions of such conferences shall be purely advisory."

An organization was effected with Hamilton W. Mabie, ΑΔΦ, as chairman and Francis W. Shepardson, ΒΘΠ, as secretary.