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has admitted some honorary members, but they have no place in a list intended to show the success of the fraternity’s initiates in their post collegiate life, Some fraternities rather naively insist that as they make no distinction within their fraternities between honorary and ordinary members none should be made here. The answer is that others make such distinction and that it is entirely proper.

It will be found that the same institution does not always have the same designation in all the lists. In one, for instance, "Syracuse University" may be so written, and in another it may be called the "University of Syracuse." These differences are due to the peculiar predilections of certain fraternity workers for certain of these names, and so long as the identification of the institution was certain the chosen names were not revised. The Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges in the several States are frequently called "State" colleges; for instance, "The Agricultural and Mechanical College of New Hampshire" is shortened to "New Hampshire State College." Similarly some names have been shortened for example, "Leland Stanford, Jr., University" to "Stanford University," the "Central University of Kentucky" to "Central University."