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Adonijah S. Welch, Phineas W. Hitchcock, Watson G. Squire and Joseph V. Quarles.

Foreign Ministers or Ambassadors: To Great Britain, James Russell Lowell and Joseph H. Choate; to France, Edward F. Noyes; to Austria, John Jay; to Greece, J. Meredith Read; to the Hague, William E. Quimby; to Germany, Edwin F. Uhl; to Turkey, Horace Maynard; to Brazil, Irving B. Dudley.

Justices of the Supreme Court: Samuel Blatchford, Geo. Shiras, Jr., Henry B. Brown, William R. Day, Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Presidents of Colleges: Eliot of Harvard, Dwight of Yale, Stille of Pennsylvania, Gilman of Johns Hopkins, Darting of Hamilton, Gates and Harris of Amherst, Garfield of Williams, Chamberlain of Bowdoin, Dodge of Colgate, Raymond of Union, Rhees of Rochester, Orten of Ohio State University, Wheeler of the University of California, Pynchon of Trinity, Hall of Clark, Raymond and Taylor of Vassar, Backus of Packer, Hutchins of Michigan, Rogers and Harris of Northwestern, Hunt of Dennison, and Dwight and Stone, Deans of the Columbia Law School.

Governors of States: Chamberlain of Maine, Willard of Indiana, Roosevelt of New York, Noyes, Denison and Smith of Ohio, Maynard of Tennessee and Hubbard of Connecticut.

Lawyers: James C. Carter, Joseph H. Choate, William G. Choate, Clarence A. Seward, Everett P. Wheeler, Edward M. Shepard and Francis Lynde Stetson.

Divines: Richard S. Storrs, Joseph P. Thompson,