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and the five nearest chapters. At every session of Congress public exercises of a literary nature are held.

Congresses of the fraternity have been held as follows: Lexington, Va., 1870; Nashville, 1872, 1892, 1914; Lexing ton, Ky., 1874; Raleigh, N. C., 1876, Richmord, 1877, 1890; Baltimore, 1878; Macon, Ga., 1880; Washington, 1882, 1894; Philadelphia, 1884; Atlanta, 1886, 1910; Springfield, Ohio, 1888; Cleveland, 1896; New Orleans, 1898; Boston, 1900; Chicago, 1902; New York, 1904; Birmingham, Ala., 1906; Pittsburgh, 1908; Louisville, 1912.

The official organ is the Palm, a quarterly, established in 1880 and published regularly since that time. The place of publication follows the residence of the editor and has been, successively, Richmond, University of Virginia, Gettysburg, New York, Elizabeth, N. ]., Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, and Allentown, Pa. The Palm Junior, a daily, has been a feature at recent Congresses. Many of the chapters publish periodicals under various titles, among the oldest being the "Schwamaquegan" of Colorado and one of the newest the "Dopesheet" of Pennsylvania. The St. Lawrence chapter has for more than twenty years continued the printed "Annual Report" once required of all chapters. The song book was first published in 1886 at Dover, Pa. A second edition was published at Philadelphia in 1906, The third edition is authorized. These books contain many original melodies with full musical scores. Several separately published pieces of vocal and instrumental music have been dedicated to the fraternity.

The first published list of members was issued at Rich-