Page:Ballantyne--The Battery and the Boiler.djvu/151

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boat at the bow was run over. The crews of both swam away like ducks, with their long knives between their teeth. The other boats hauled off.

"Now, captain," cried Robin Wright, who, during the whole time, had stood as if transfixed, with a cutlass in one hand, a pistol in the other, and his mouth, not to mention his eyes, wide open; "Now, captain, we shall get away without shedding a drop of blood!"

"Yes," replied the captain, "but not without inflicting punishment. Port your helm—hard a port!"

"Port it is, sir—hard over," replied the man at the wheel, and away went the steamer with a grand circular sweep which speedily brought her, bow-on, close to the pirate vessel.

"Steady—so!" said the captain, at the same time signalling "full steam" to the engine-room.

The space between the two vessels quickly decreased. The part of the pirate crew which had been left on board saw and understood. With a howl of consternation, every man sprang into the sea. Next moment their vessel was cut almost in two and sent fathoms down into the deep, whence it rose a limp and miserable remnant, flattened out upon the waves.