Page:Ballantyne--The Battery and the Boiler.djvu/247

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"Not so sure o' that, doctor," said Johnson; "the cave is at all events dry, and a good stronghold in case of a visit from pirates."

"But pirates what have bin blow'd to atoms," said Slagg, "ain't likely to turn up again, are they?"

"That 's so, lad; but some of their friends might pay us a visit, you know."

"I think not," rejoined Sam; "there is honour among thieves here, no doubt, as elsewhere. I daresay it is well known among the fraternity that the island belongs to a certain set, and the rest will therefore let it alone. What think you, Robin ?"

"I 'm inclined to agree with you, Sam, but perhaps Letta is the best authority on that point. Did you ever see any other set of pirates land here, little one, except your—your own set?"

"Only once," answered the child, "another set came, but they only stayed one day. They looked at everything, looked at me an' Meerta an' laughed very much. An' they ate and drank a good deal, and fought a little; but they took nothing away, and never came back."

"I thought so," rejoined Sam; "now, all we've got to do is to hoist a flag on the highest peak of the mountain, and when a vessel comes to take us off, load her with as much of the booty as she can carry—and then, hurrah for old England!"