Page:Ballantyne--The Battery and the Boiler.djvu/337

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so you 'll see the fun, for we 've all got to turn out whin we go after tigers. If you 're fond o' sport in a small way, howiver, I can give ye a turn among the birds an' small game to-day."

"There 's nothing I 'd like better," said Slagg, jumping at the offer like a hungry trout at a fly.

"Come along, then," returned the groom heartily; "we 'll take shot-guns, an' a spalpeen of a black boy to carry a spare rifle an' the bag."

In a few minutes the two men, with fowling-pieces on their shoulders, and a remarkably attenuated black boy at their heels carrying a large bore rifle, entered the jungle behind the electrician's bungalow.