Page:Ballantyne--The Battery and the Boiler.djvu/359

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at the stranger who had conducted them there, "you have brought the wrong man!"

"I had already begun to suspect as much," returned the other, with a light laugh.

Swallowing his disgust, apparently, with an effort, the slim man turned to Sam and said, "A mistake has been made, sir. One or two of my friends here will conduct you to any part of the city you may wish to go to."

"I require no assistance," said Sam, flushing with sudden indignation. "I believe that you are conspirators, and will take particular note of your dwelling, in order that I may spoil your game."

He was about to turn and quit the room, when he was suddenly seized from behind by two powerful men, who seemed to have come on the scene by rising through the floor! At the same moment Robin was similarly secured. They did not, however, submit tamely. Both were strong-bodied as well as high-spirited, and Sam was large as well as strong.

But what were their powers against such odds! For a few seconds they struggled furiously. Then, feeling that their efforts were fruitless, they ceased.

"It is as well to go quietly, my fine fellows," said the slim, man in a slightly sarcastic tone. "We are not only more than a match for you, but we happen to belong to a class of gentlemen who