Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/175

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"I don't wonder," interrupted Mariano enthusiastically, seizing and squeezing his brother's hand.

"And," continued Lucien, "he has permitted me to select situations for you. I have arranged that you, father, shall be my assistant in the secretary's office, and that you, Mariano, shall be shopman to Bacri the Jew."

Lucien looked awkwardly at his father and brother as he spoke, feeling uncertain, no doubt, as to the manner in which they would receive this information. He was therefore rather relieved than otherwise by a smile on the face of Mariano.

"Why, Lucien," he said, "I always thought you a great original, and this last display of your powers confirms me in my opinion. Not that I deem it strange your having appointed father your clerk—for, in the circumstances, it would have been charity to have appointed him even to the office of shoe-black—anything being better than the Bagnio,—but what wild fancy induced you to make me shop-boy to a Jew?"

"That," replied Lucien, "you shall find out in good time—only, pray, remember that I am not the Dey's Grand Vizier, and have not many places to offer."

"Well, well, be it so," returned the other; "I am well content with what your wisdom provides."

"And so am I," said Francisco, cheerfully. "I