Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/184

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know full well, Sidi Hamet, that the sum you have named would ruin all the Jews in the town. If the security of my people is not to be purchased for a smaller sum, we must perish. My utmost efforts would not avail to raise more than the half thereof within the specified time. You may indeed ruin us, if you will, but it were wise to remember that if you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, there will be no more golden eggs to lay."

"True, Bacri," returned Hamet, laughing; "thou art wise, and I shall act on thy wisdom—having first, however, acted on mine own when I demanded double the sum I expected to receive, knowing thine inveterate tendency to drive a hard bargain! Now, good-night," he said, rising and leaving the room.—"Ha! thy pretty daughter has fled. Well, we shall hope to see her again. Meanwhile, have a care; our plot is in your hands, but thine every movement shall be watched from this hour, and if a note of warning escapes thee, thou art but a dead man!"

Saying this, the Aga departed, and Bacri, returning to the skiffa, summoned Mariano, who had been engaged in another part of the house when Hamet entered.

"Come hither, lad," said the Jew, while a careworn expression seemed to settle on his handsome features; "I have work for you to do which re-