Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/207

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pain, Mariano lost the power of self-restraint which he had hitherto exercised so well that night. He rushed at the interpreter and hit him a blow on the forehead that caused him to tumble backwards violently.

The act was scarcely done when the youth found himself in the embrace of Ted Flaggan, and, strong though he was, he found it impossible to throw off, or to free himself from, that sturdy tar. Still he struggled fiercely, and there is no saying what might have been the result, had not Rais, recovering from the blow, hastened to his friend's aid.

Between them they succeeded in securing Mariano, and, with a handkerchief, tied his hands behind him.

"Now then, young feller," said Flaggan, taking the youth by the arm, "you'll have to go before the British couns'l an' give an account of yerself. So come along."

Of course when Mariano was taken into the presence of Colonel Langley, and had whispered a few words in his ear, the seaman and his friend Rais Ali were dismissed with the assurance that all was right—an assurance, by the way, which was not quite satisfactory to the latter, when he reflected on and tenderly stroked the bump, about as large as a pigeon's egg, which ornamented the space between his eyes!