Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/256

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ing several of the officers of justice issue from the town gate.

Hassan turned pale.

"Your regrets come too late," said Omar significantly.

"My hand and party," said Hassan quickly, "are with you, Sidi Omar, if—if—"

"Step in here," said the Minister of Marine, pushing open a small side-door which led into his house.

Hassan obeyed, the door was shut, and he felt that he was now completely in the hands of one whom he had hitherto regarded with suspicion and dislike.

Of course the Minister of Marine understood this as well as himself, but he was too wily to let him read his thoughts by his looks or words.

"Hassan," he said, leading him into a small chamber in the sea-ward ramparts, which was lighted by a very small and strongly-barred window, "you are safe from immediate danger. We may here talk over our plans—for plans I at least have. The Dey fears me too much, as you know, to permit me to remain here as Minister of Marine. He is also so savage and hasty that I do not expect him to restrain his hand for more than a day or two. But I do not mean to give him a chance. My friends are already in possession of the casba—"

"Already!" exclaimed Hassan in surprise.