Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/320

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"Ha!" thought Ziffa.

"You don't say so?" observed Flaggan. "Well, now, I'd scarce have thought we had reason to be so fearful of a small thing, with a stupid brown face like that."

"Brute!" muttered Ziffa inaudibly.

"Oh! she werry sharp chile," returned Rais, "werry sharp—got ears and eyes from the sole of hers head to de top of hers feets."

Ziffa said nothing, either mentally or otherwise, but looked rather pleased.

"Well," continued Rais, "we won't mention the name of Rimini again nowhars—only w'en we can't help it, like."

"Not a whisper," said Flaggan; "but, be the way, it'll be as well, before comin' to that state of prudent silence, that you tell me if the noo hole they've gone to is near the owld wan. You see it's my turn to go up wi' provisions to-morrow night, and I hain't had it rightly explained, d'ye see?"

Here Rais Ali described, with much elaboration, the exact position of the new hole to which the Rimini family had removed, at the head of Frais Vallon, and Mademoiselle Ziffa drank it all in with the most exuberant satisfaction.

Shortly afterwards Agnes Langley found her friend hiding close to the spot in the garden where she had last seen her.