Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/340

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Dancing close up to him, Ted Flaggan suddenly slipped, and, staggering as if about to fall, flung his arm over the consul's shoulder.

"Take care!" said the latter, catching him.

"Och! Kurnul," gasped Ted, sinking down and almost dragging the other after him, "spake to me av ye love me."

Amazed by this tender appeal, and suddenly suspecting the personality of the boar, the consul bent down while the rest of the onlookers crowded round, and said in a low voice—

"Why, Flag—"

"Whist! whist! blood an thunder! it'll rain scimitars an' grape-shot av ye say a word! Mate me in the gardin' dear, under the palm."

This was said in the midst of a writhing and growling which would have done credit to a lunatic boar, if such there were!

"Not hurt, I hope?" said the French consul, coming forward.

"Not at all," replied Colonel Langley, rising with a smile, "the fellow is one of my domestics, and has almost over-acted his part. He will be all right in a minute if some one will be kind enough to fetch him a glass of water—"

"An' brandy, ochone!" exclaimed the boar, with another tremendous growl, that again sent the children into shouts of delight.