Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/354

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thought the consul, in the arrival of the 'Prometheus,' a British war-vessel of 18 guns, but Colonel Langley found, as many have discovered before him, that "there is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip," for the Dey suddenly took a high position, and absolutely refused to allow the British consul to depart.

Captain Dashwood, the commander of the 'Prometheus,' on his first interview with the Dey, saw that there was no chance whatever of getting off the consul by fair means, for Omar treated him with studied hauteur and insolence.

"I know perfectly well," said he, at the conclusion of the conference, "that your fleet, which report tells me has already left England, is destined for Algiers. Is it not so?"

"I have no official information, your highness," replied Captain Dashwood. "If you have received such news, you know as much as I do, and probably from the same source—the public prints."

"From whence I have it is a matter of no moment," returned the Dey, as he abruptly closed the conference.

Immediately after, Captain Dashwood informed the consul of his intention of sending a boat ashore next morning, with the ostensible motive of making final proposals to the Dey, but really for the purpose of carrying out his plans, which he related in detail.

Accordingly, next morning, the captain proceeded