Page:Ballantyne--The Pirate City.djvu/389

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boat in chase overhauled it fast, and when within about a gunshot the Turk in the stern stood up and hailed the Arab in stern, angry tones, but no reply was vouchsafed. Exasperated beyond measure, the Turk levelled a pistol at the Arab and fired, but missed his aim, and was driven almost frantic with rage on observing that the insolent Arab dropped an oar for an instant, and kissed his hand to the ball as it skipped past.

Immediately after the Turk was heard to shout an order to his men, who thereupon redoubled their efforts to overtake the chase. At the same instant the Arab was observed to bend well forward, and almost double the length of his stroke, so that the little craft, which had hitherto skimmed over the calm sea, now began to leap, as it were, in successive bounds.

"I say, Bill, don't he pull well?" exclaimed one of the tars on board the 'Queen Charlotte.'

"Splendiferous!" replied Bill, in great admiration; "an' I do believe that he's creepin' away from the Turk."

This was true; the Arab was steadily increasing the distance between himself and his pursuers, until at last the latter gave up the chase, a consummation which was greeted by some of the excitable spirits in the 'Queen Charlotte' with an irresistible though subdued cheer.