Page:Ballinger Price--Fortune of the Indies.djvu/87

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With which he gazed complacently down-harbor, and Jane was once more dead in the wind's eye. She was not altogether sure what she had hoped he would do, but she fancied that he might bow and say:

"Rest assured, my dear young lady, that full provision will be made whereby none but an Ingram will eventually be allowed possession of the model."

But no such thought was in his mind, apparently, and Jane decided that she was impolite and grasping, anyway, and gave herself up to the pleasure of hearing reminiscences of that last departure for the East, fifty years before.

How tall the Gloria had looked in the dawn when Bart Bolliver stood just where he now stood on Ingram Wharf; and how the little boys waved their caps and the young ladies their lace handkerchiefs; and how the Gloria swung out under her headsails and got the tide under her and slipped downchannel; and how, one by one, the Resthaven lights went out in the daybreak, and the wind freshened, and the Gloria spread sail after sail, and the water ran swithering along her side and leaped at her