Page:Ballinger Price--The Happy Venture.djvu/154

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stylus. Felicia looked up, then gazed meditatively across the table at the enterprise.

"Is it for a Hebrew person?" she inquired gently.

"Hebrew?" Ken said; "I should rather say not. Why?"

"You're writing it backward—like Yiddish."

"I'm doing it from left to right, which is the way one usually writes," said Ken, in a superior tone. "You're looking at it upside-down. You're twisted."

"The holes," said Felicia, mildly, "in order to become readable humps on the other side, have to be punched right to left."

"Oh!" said Ken. After a moment of thought he exclaimed, somewhat indignant: "You mean to say, then, that you have to reverse the positions of all these blooming dots, besides writing 'em backward?"


"You have to read 'em one way, and write 'em another, and remember 'em both?"

"You do."

"And—and Kirk does that?"

"Yes; and he knows Revised, Grade One and a Half, too, and our alphabet besides, and em-