Page:Ballinger Price--The Happy Venture.djvu/163

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hastily disclaiming any finger in the enterprise. "I don't know what you may find!"

"It's perfectly all right, now," Ken protested. "You'll see! You can read it, can't you, Kirk?"

Kirk was frowning and laughing at once.

"It's a little bit funny," he said. "But I did n't know you could do it at all. Oh, listen to it!"

He declaimed this, with some pauses:


"While I am at my watery work
All up and down the bay,
I think about my brother Kirk
A million times a day.

"All day my job seems play to me,
My duties they are light,
Because I know I'm going to see
My brother Kirk that night.

"I ponder over, at my biz,
How nice he is
(That smile of his!),
And eke his cheerful, open phiz.

"And also I am proud of him,
I sing the praises loud of him,
And all the wondering multitude
At once exclaims: 'Gee Whiz!'"