Page:Ballou - Practical Christian Socialism.djvu/13

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are treated accordingly, still it will not be found tedious reading to persons who think, and who care to be acquainted with its contents. If any do not think nor care, they must be excused. The booksellers will accommodate them with whatever will suit their taste. There are several classes of persons to whom this Work will be eminently useful.

1. To those who are already Practical Christian Socialists, or strongly inclined to become such. Here they will find a Treatise which states, illustrates and defends their peculiar doctrines in the most systematic, thorough and conclusive manner. They can study it every day with profit. They can confidently place it in the hands of all who inquire into the nature of their Socialistic Movement. They can draw from it inexhaustible munitions of mental and moral strength wherewith to contend successfully against opposers. And they can safely challenge their adversaries to examine and refute it at their leisure.

2. To writers, preachers and lecturers engaged in promulgating Practical Christian Socialism. These will have a complete system of objects, principles, polity and institutional arrangements always before them. Such a multitude of themes, propositions, texts, suggestions and hints, admitting of endless amplifications, will enable them to serve the cause effectually on all occasions; leaving them, at the same time, full scope for originality of thought, peculiarity of illustration and excellence of expression.

3. To parents, educators and all who are devoted to mental improvement. Such will find in the educational Conversations a fund of information, direction and suggestion which must afford them invaluable aid. Those also who are seeking light on the subject of marriage and the questions therewith con-