Page:Ballou - Practical Christian Socialism.djvu/15

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Marriage, the various Social Systems ideal and actual, &c., &c., are all more or less expounded and discussed.

2. It is discriminating, definite and specific with reference to all these themes and their subordinate topics. It does not confound natural distinctions. Things, names, terms and ideas are carefully defined. The reader can clearly see just what is stated, asserted, denied, accepted, rejected, conceded, condemned or recommended.

3. It is methodical, systematic and orderly. It begins at the natural beginning of its subjects, follows them through their natural development, and ends them at their natural acme. Common sense will find the links of each elaborated chain very nearly in their proper consecutive order.

4. Its leading conceptions and ideas are large, generous, sublime and magnificent, without being fanciful, romantic, extravagant, unreal and impracticable.

5. It is self-consistent and unitary. Fundamental objects are kept in view from beginning to end. Its fundamental principles are constantly held sacred, and their just application is made universal. Its fundamental social polity runs in straight lines from center to circumference. The just critic will find no contradiction or incongruity of essential ideas. He may scrutinize its theology, piety, morality, philanthropy, and social order as closely as he pleases; he will find every where an invulnerable consistency.

The author does not expect that this Work will receive much attention from the general public at present. It is not of a nature to excite, dazzle, amuse or please the popular masses, nor their leaders. It will not suit their taste. It is above their standard of motive and action. They cannot feel an interest in it, nor appreciate its worth. The devotees of