Page:Ballou - Practical Christian Socialism.djvu/22

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speak of the Christ-Spirit as existing prior to and distinct from the man Christ Jesus—Given—Light of the Christ-Spirit universal in a greater or less degree; allusion to Pythagoras, Confucius, &c. &c.—How to determine as to what is Christ-like wherever found—Passages of Scripture showing the Deific Personality of the Christ-Spirit speaking through, yet as above the Christ-man—Some passages in which the exterior Christ or mere man spoke—Some in which the Christ-Spirit and Holy Ghost appear to be the same in essence—Conclusion respecting Christ and the necessity of his Religion to man's individual and social regeneration.
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Statement of essential divine principles given in a Table of three general Divisions—I. Principles of Theological Truth—II. Principles of Personal Righteousness—III. Principles of Social Order—Explanations of certain terms—1st Principle considered—2d Principle considered—3d Principle considered.
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The 4th principle of Theological Truth considered—Inquiries answered respecting the existence of evil angels and spirits; respecting the resurrection of the mortal body, Christ's body &c.; and respecting the general resurrection—Manifestive resurrections, as distinguished from the universal, absolute resurrection—5th principle of Theological Truth considered, with the proper qualifications thereof.
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The 6th principle of Expositor's Table considered—Sample of proof texts—What is meant by divine retribution—Inquiry about natural laws answered—Characteristics of a perfect retribution—Inquiry about endless punishment answered—The day of judgment—The 7th principle considered—What spiritual regeneration is; definitions and explanations—Sample of proof texts—Extreme doctrines of total native depravity and perfect native purity both discarded—True doctrine defined, with sundry answers to inquiries.
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The struggle of human nature from its lowest state of imperfection, internal and external, through the long career of progress upward to harmony with God—Scriptures relating to this struggle—The final universal triumph of Good over evil proved to be a cardinal truth of the Christian Religion—Inquirer's objections and difficulties answered; showing that God's constitution of the universes, under conditions of progress from the lowest
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