Page:Barbour--For the freedom from the seas.djvu/45

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defenseless men. But of course you can't teach nations of that sort by just talking to them; you've got to hurt them first. That, as I figure it, is why we've gone into this war, sir. Anyway, I guess it's why I've gone into it."

"Right! 'For the Freedom of the Seas!' That's our motto, and before we're done we'll write It big over every ocean, Troy. And across the sky we'll write 'Humanity!'" The ensign ceased abruptly, smiled as though at his own earnestness, and nodded. "Good luck, Troy. You've got the right idea, son."

He passed aft and disappeared down the companion that led to the officers' quarters, leaving Nelson again to his thoughts. But after a moment he shook them off, left the lee of the bridge and went forward. Cross Rip Light Ship was nearly abeam now and Martha's Vineyard was coming fast across the flashing water. Staples, seaman gunner, was lavishing good vaseline on the bow gun and singing a song as he worked. He broke off at Nelson's approach and nodded gayly.

"Think I'll ever have a chance to point this little toy, Chatty?" he asked. "Say, wouldn't it surprise those chaps on the light ship to drop a shell alongside? I'd like to do it just to see