Page:Barbour--For the freedom from the seas.djvu/75

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for it, you see, and while he was waiting he leans on the counter and does like this, see? Like he was working a telegraph key. Well, the drug fellow was one of these wireless fiends before the government put 'em out of business and he listened to what the guy was tapping out. First he says, 'Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up'! like that, over and over. Then he says a lot of figures that don't mean anything to the drug fellow, and after that some more nonsense. And he gets his medicine and goes out. But the drug fellow gets to thinking about him. He's seen the guy around for about a month and he don't ever seem to have anything special to do. So that evening he goes and tells his story to a fellow he knows who's some sort of a United States attorney or something. The attorney hands it along to the Secret Service sleuths who've been snooping around looking for a wireless station somewhere on the Cape, do you see? After that it was easy. They find out where this poor guy lives and watch him and they see this Anhalt fellow come sneaking around at night and they hears 'em make a date for this morning at four o'clock and hears 'em speak of that island back there. The Hollis got the job first, but she had another date up the coast and so hands it over to us. What this