Page:Barbour--Joan of the ilsand.djvu/48

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THREE forms tumbled into the small boat trailing astern of the Kestrel, and when it neared the shore Keith saw Chester Trent sitting in the stern. Trent frowned beneath the broad brim of his pith helmet as the keel grated on the beach, and enquiringly ran his eyes over the half-clad figure standing by the side of his sister.

"Hello, where have you bobbed up from?" he asked as he climbed over the side. He was a fine-looking youngster, about a year older than his sister, bronzed and well-knit. A good-humoured smile played about his mouth, but his eyes were blood-shot and Keith knew the girl's suspicions had been correct.

"This is Mr. Keith, Chester," Joan said. "He swam to the island after falling off a steamer."

"Fell overboard, eh!" said Trent. "You were lucky to get here."

"It was fortunate for me," Joan added. "Baloo was just snatching the whip from me when Mr. Keith arrived in time to throw him off the veranda."

Chester Trent gave a quick look at his sister and