Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/139

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about the others till you feel a bit better. Can you stand up?"

Dave tried to get on his legs, but his knee hurt him considerably. He looked at his companion attentively for the first time. The man was shabbily clothed and did not appear to have shaved for days. His hair was crying aloud for the attention of a pair of scissors, and his shoes consisted chiefly of holes and cracks. There was something about his face, however, which was not in keeping with his odd attire, in spite of its unshaven condition. His eyes were clear and intelligent, but they had a lazy look, as though care sat with difficulty on his shoulders. Humorous lines were drawn about the comers of his mouth, which was good-tempered but too easy-going. His tattered clothes were flapping in the wind, wet through.

"You fetched me out of the water?" Dave asked wearily.

"I took that liberty," was the reply. "I