Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/232

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into mischief or spend all your money You won't be here very long if we make Fiji all right. I 'll pass the word along to the first trading-boat bound this way, and they 'll pick you up. Come on, Tempest, get in."

"I'm not going," said Tempest, lighting his pipe and squatting comfortably on the sand. "I 've taken rather a fancy to the scenery around here. You take the lad in my place."

"I'm very much obliged to you, Tempest," Dave said, looking his friend squarely in the eyes, "but I can't do that. We all picked our slips fairly, and I was unlucky, that's all."

"Then you'd better go, Chips," Tempest said casually to the carpenter, with a wink.

"You 're certainly a white man," said the carpenter, who realized Tempest was making the sacrifice to stand by his friend. The two gripped hands for an instant, and then the boat was quickly pushed off the beach.