Page:Barbour--Lost island.djvu/295

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many ships have hit trouble in this locality at one time or another."

"Did you ever land on Fanning Island?" Dave asked.

"Why, yes, more than once," replied Flagg. "We sheltered under there three days last fall when it was blowing hard."

"Do you know any of the islands to the south of there—in the direction of Christmas Island, I mean?" asked Tempest.

"Yes, in a way," Flagg said. "There are n't many of 'em till you get nearer the equator. Pretty lonely spots too, let me tell you."

"Did you ever notice a wreck on one of them?" Dave said.

"More than one," replied their host, "but I don't remember anything particular about any of 'em. The sea does n't leave much of them except a few ribs after a year or so."

Again Dave and Tempest exchanged glances.

"I wonder whether you happen to know of an